
By Julia Reischel on Thursday, Mar. 10, 2011 - 12:05 pm
The remains of Overlook Mountain House. Photo by Flickr user bryanu35. Used with permission. Overlook Mountain has a certain mysterious charm, as the above photo of the ruins of its once-grand mountaintop hotel show. But 19th-century resorts aren't the... Read more
By Julia Reischel on Tuesday, Mar. 8, 2011 - 3:07 pm
In a blog post published last month, Martha Stewart (yes, the Martha Stewart) posted a snapshot-filled account of her drive through the towns of Rockland and Andes, both of which she found "charming." The prompt for Stewart's journey was a lunch date... Read more
By Julia Reischel on Monday, Mar. 7, 2011 - 4:09 pm
  This Saturday, the Roxbury Arts Group is hosting a one-woman show of tales about growing up in a Texan beauty shop. As you can see above, Faye Lane's "Beauty Shop Stories" revolve around moon pies, deep-fried southern accents, and warm memories of old... Read more
By Julia Reischel on Friday, Mar. 4, 2011 - 3:30 pm
Another Kind, an independent horror movie, has just finished shooting in the Catskills, according to the website Shock Till You Drop:  Another Kind follows four unprepared hikers from New York City on a winter camping expedition in the Catskills. Their... Read more
By Julia Reischel on Friday, Mar. 4, 2011 - 8:10 am
On Wednesday, Sean Scherer's Andes outpost of antiques, taxidermy, and artfully-arranged objects opened an outpost in the East Village. The Andes location of Kabinett & Kammer, however, is still the "flagship" store, according to the press release... Read more
By Julia Reischel on Wednesday, Mar. 2, 2011 - 12:31 pm
Paul Smart of WGXC attended last night's public forum about the Catskill Central School District budget, at which parents and teachers considered what school looks like when the only things it offers are required by state mandate: Speakers addressed what... Read more
By Julia Reischel on Monday, Feb. 28, 2011 - 12:19 pm
It's the last day of February, and we're all plenty sick of winter. Our contributor Kirby Olson, who teaches literature at Suny Delhi, sat down with a group of Andes residents last week at the Andes Round Table to express their feelings for February in... Read more
By Julia Reischel on Friday, Feb. 25, 2011 - 1:09 pm
For the second time in the past year, a brand-new full-power community FM station is launching in the Catskills. Last summer saw the debut of WIOX 91.3 FM, which serves Delaware and Schoharie counties out of the town of Roxbury. Now tomorrow, it's WGXC 90... Read more
By Julia Reischel on Thursday, Feb. 24, 2011 - 4:01 pm
Christina Eliopoulos, the director of Demon on Wheels, a Margaretville-based documentary about outlaw mechanic and daredevil Mike Ondish, is raising the $25,000 she needs to finish her movie via the website Kickstarter. (We've covered the movie, which... Read more
By wateradmin on Thursday, Feb. 24, 2011 - 10:59 am
First-grader Julian Olson contemplating the 40-foot Bilbiobarn mural in South Kortright. Photo by Riikka Olson. Even for the rural Western Catskills, the Bibliobarn – a bookstore run by lifelong bibliophiles H.L. and Linda Wilson – is off the beaten path... Read more


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