The remains of Overlook Mountain House. Photo by Flickr user bryanu35. Used with permission.
Overlook Mountain has a certain mysterious charm, as the above photo of the ruins of its once-grand mountaintop hotel show. But 19th-century resorts aren't the only cultural ruins atop Overlook, according to Woodstock resident Glenn Kreisberg, the editor of a new book, Lost Knowledge of the Ancients. A Graham Hancock Reader.
Kresiberg recently told the Daily Freeman that he believes Overlook is full of artifacts from an ancient culture:
Kreisberg’s own research into lithic sites is much closer to home on Overlook Mountain where he seeks evidence to support the possibility that an ancient cultural group used features in the landscape of the Catskill and Shawangunk mountains to carry out and mark astronomical observations ... In the Woodstock area, Kreisberg has found cairn fields, dry stone walls, petroforms, alignments, chambers and standing stone that reach 60 to 100 feet .... Kreisberg believes the original people here took note of the sky and manipulated rock and stone to create astronomically aligned constructions and effigies as have other cultures for thousands of years worldwide.
In fact, Kreisberg told the Freeman, he believes that Overlook Mountain itself is a giant artifact of astronomical importance:
“Overlook Mountain,” Kreisberg said, “is a beacon. Ancient people here looked to the mountain because the constellation, Draco, rose above it for thousands of years. Their stone remnants marked celestial north.”