Photo from Belleayre's Facebook page.
With an April 1 budget deadline looming, the New York State legislature and governor's office are close to finalizing a $132.5 billion budget, the AP reports.
Part of that budget deal, state senator John Bonacic's office announced yesterday, is the transfer of the state-run Belleayre Ski Center to the Olympic Regional Development Authority.
The plan for a Belleayre transfer looks very similar to one included in the state Senate's budget proposal earlier this month.
Bonacic's press release lists the conditions for the transfer:
- A requirement that Belleayre be continued as a year round tourism destination with a level of capital investment to that Belleayre can be operated, maintained, and improved in a similar manner to Whiteface and Gore;
- One ORDA Board Member, each for Delaware and Ulster Counties (Governor Cuomo had initially proposed just one Board member to be shared by both counties);
- An increase in ORDA’s Community Advisory Board from 15 to 19. Two additional members would be appointed by the Delaware County Board of Supervisors and two by the Ulster County Legislature;
- A requirement for a local ORDA office be located at Belleayre;
- A requirement that one of two ORDA Vice-Chairs be a resident of Ulster or Delaware Counties (the person chosen would be chosen by the recommendation of the Town Boards of the Towns of Middletown and Shandaken).