Come, Shop and Support artists & families in indigenous communities!
Dec 1,2,3 Noon - 4PM
Who are the Huichols and why are we connected to them?
In the rugged Sierra Madre of Mexico, the Huichol people are living as they have for thousands of generations, in communion with nature and each other. Never conquered by outsiders, their sacred traditions and connection to the Gods have remained intact. They are one of only a handful of existing indigenous cultures with such a continuous heritage. Their lives center around sacred rituals and tradition, everything from planting corn to embroidering clothes done in a sacred way, their artwork alive with their experience of the Divine.
What is our work with the Huichols?
As a small repayment of our debt of gratitude to the Huichol people, we founded the Huichol Art Project. The Blue Deer Center actively supports the Huichols through this project by creating markets in this country for their sacred artwork. This non-profit enterprise enables many Huichol families to remain in their homeland maintaining their lifeways, rather than migrating to the lowlands to be exploited in factories and tobacco plantations. The Huichol Art Project is administered at no profit to the staff or the Blue Deer Center.