The Watershed Post sponsored a meet-the-candiates forum for candidates running for office in the town of Andes on Sunday, October 23, 2011. The forum was moderated by Presbyterian pastor Steve Swanson and timed by Andes resident Jack McShane. The Andes Hotel (a Watershed Post advertiser) generously donated its back room for the event.
You can watch the full 100-minute forum above. (My apologies for the poor video quality, but the sound quality is great, thanks to volunteer Eddie Callahan, who set up an excellent sound system.)
Five candidates who are up for election in the town of Andes attended the forum and took written questions from a standing-room-only audience of about 80 people. Hot topics included hydraulic fracturing, transparency of local government, communciation and the internet, and the salary of the Andes dog catcher.
The candidates who attended were incumbent (and uncontested candidate) town supervisor Marty Donnelly, incumbent town councilman Shayne Moshier, incumbent town councilman Ritchie Gabriel, town highway superintendent candidate Bill Wagner, and town council candidate Wayland (Bud) Gladstone.
Four candidates were invited but did not attend: incumbent highway superintendent Mike McAdams, candidate for town council Thomas Hall, incumbent town clerk Janis Jacques, and candidate for town clerk Kimberly Tosi.
10/25/11 update: I neglected to invite to the candidates' forum (or, er, know about) the two candidates for the position of Andes Tax Collector. The candidates are incumbent Margaret Moshier (Shayne's mother) and challenger Stephanie Soules. Neither was invited to the candidates' forum, which was my mistake. My apologies. -- Julia Reischel
Below: Moderator Steve Swanson asks a question. Bottom: Forum participants Marty Donnelly, Ritchie Gabriel, Wayland Gladstone, Bill Wagner and Shayne Moshier pose for a photo. Photos by Julia Reischel.