Above: The fire that engulfed the Hymers Family Farm on Dec. 11, 2014. Photo via the YouCaring.com farm fundraiser for the Hymers.
Musicians, Farm Catskills and neighbors throughout the region are throwing a fundraiser to benefit the Hymers family, who lost their Delhi dairy barn and some of their cows and calves in a fire on Dec. 11.
The lineup includes live music by Becca Frame & Brian Shafer and the Stoddard Hollow String Band. Proceeds will go to a fund set up by Farm Catskills to help the Hymers get back on their feet. So far, $7,500 has already been raised.
Hymers Farm Benefit. Friday, Jan. 30, 7 p.m. to 10 p.m., the Andes Hotel, 110 Main St., Andes. andeshotel.com. Donate to the Hymers benefit fund online here.