Above: Clouds? Smoke signals? A viral guerilla marketing campaign? Photo by Flickr user Sundve.
On Thursday, I'll be speaking at a workshop about building a marketing plan for your business (and getting the best bang for your buck out of it) in Stamford.
Dubbed "Still using smoke signals?", it's a nice line-up of experts in all kinds of media from around the region, including WRIP 97.9, WIOX 91.3, The Mountain Eagle, CMS Internet Solutions, and Creative Connections in Sidney.
We'll be giving mini-consulting interviews to anyone who wants to pick our brains, speed-dating style. And there will be snacks.
The whole thing is sponsored by the Greater Stamford Area Chamber of Commerce. It's $5 at the door -- the cheapest consulting fee you'll ever see. Come by and learn a few tricks for getting your message out there.
Still Using Smoke Signals? – Professional Development & Networking. 1:30 to 4:45pm at the Frank W. Cyr Center at 159 W. Main Street in Stamford.