Blue on the Green “Battlefield” Golf Tournament at the College Golf Course in Delhi

The Civil War Association of Central New York’s 144th New York & the Delaware County Historical Association are partnering once again this year to reenact the Battle of Honey Hill in addition to the Battle of Little Round Top. The Civil War Reenactment will take place on July 18 and 19, 2015.

As a fundraiser for the historic reenactment we are holding a golf tournament on Friday, May 22. Help support our efforts to honor Delaware County’s own 144th New York State Volunteers. Proceeds from the tournament will help fund the Civil War Reenactment and continue our collective support and partnership as we honor those people from New York who lived and perished during the Civil War.

Friday, May 22, 2015, Tee Time: 9:30am

4-Person Teams Needed ~ Register by May 11th

Participation Fees: Individual - $75, Team of 4 - $300

(Includes green fees, cart, lunch & prizes)

For more information or to register please call DCHA at 607-746-3849, or e-mail: