Roxbury General Now Carries 100% American-Made Jeans!
Check out our new Texas Jeans—100% American-Made, from the fabric to the zipper, cut right for the Catskills lifestyle and priced right for today’s economy. Texas Jeans originated in Texas and moved manufacturing to North Carolina, where they operate today in a modern factory employing local labor and supporting the local economy. We are pleased to be able to offer these great USA-made jeans at an affordable price and available in this area only at Roxbury General.
Five styles available:
• Regular in even waist sizes 30 to 38--$34.95
• Relaxed in even waist sizes 30 to 40--$34.95
• Slim fit in even waist sizes 30 to 38--$34.95
• Carpenter in even waist sizes 30 to 40--$36.95
• Flannel-lined in even waist sizes 30 to 40--$59.95
Fire-resistant jeans are available on request- see sample in the store.
See also our USA-made fine men’s dress and sport shirts, plus beautiful, functional flannel shirts from Mountain Khakis in several styles and colors.
And to complement our pants and shirts, we carry belts, socks, T-shirts, underwear, and sweatshirts.
100% American-Made Wool Throws just in time for fall.
We have also stocked up on Faribault woolen goods. Faribault Mills in Minnesota has been operating since 1865 and is one of the last remaining domestic woolen mills in the USA. We have a great selection of their washable-wool throws just in time for the coming cold weather.
Follow us on Facebook at roxburygeneralstore.
See our online store at www.roxburygeneral.com
And by all means please visit us at 53538 State Highway 30 in Roxbury.
Open 7 days a week from 11 am to 6 pm.