You may collect your red dots!
Judith Lamb, new works, closes at Chace-Randall Gallery Sep 7. Oh, there are still lovelies to be had...come still to see. And come let me wrap your art parcels! www.chacerandallgallery.com/judith2014.htm
Next up: Curator's Choice 2014, Sep 13 - Nov 30...come see all our rooms hung according to palatte and line...Come see each room collectable as a room, as each one of our troupe compliments another...no one competes. Resumes are big. Aesthetic is all!
Need a place to stay? Again, aesthetic is all: www.chacerandallgallery.com/gallerylodging.htm
Chace-Randall Gallery is located at 49 Main Street, Andes, NY. Gallery Hours: Sat - Sun and Holiday Fridays and Mondays 11 - 5 and by appointment. For more information call 917.753.3605 or email zoe@chacerandallgallery.com.