Chace-Randall Gallery does not count in excitement...rather inevitable closure of one door/opening a window to another world of ART, a world in which we must live...Counting for you: you have 74 days to visit our Final and Brilliant Exhibition: Curator's Choice 2014. Please do...(will post pics on Gallery FB page but will not design specific page as works rotate, as wrapped and sent to appreciative homes). You must just visit...(or ask for jpegs).
Chace-Randall Gallery is located at 49 Main Street, Andes, NY. Gallery Hours: Sat/Sun 11 - 5 and by appointment: zoe@chacerandallgallery.com or 917.753.3605. We are always happy to open by appointment.
Need a place to stay: www. chacerandallgallery.com/gallerylodging.htm (but taken Oct 1 thru ski season...come this month!)
works following by Christie Scheele, Michael Rich, Inverna Lockpez and Gail Rothschild...just a sampling...
gallery facade photo thanks to Carol Spinelli, Coldwell Banker, Timberland Properties