Letter to the Editor: Remembering Josh Turan

Editor's note: Twenty-two-year-old Josh Turan was killed in motorcycle accident in Delhi on Saturday, May 12. This letter is from his uncle, Dave Turan. -- Julia Reischel

Dear Editor, Friends and Neighbors,

On Saturday evening, May 12, 2012, around 10 pm, I was sitting at home at my desk on the second floor anticipating the celebration of great Saturday night show of live theater, created with love by family, and awesome neighbors and friends, old and new. I was reviewing the accounting end of that fantastic peach and optimistically thinking we would make the match. Through the open window I heard the sound of laughter and joy as the teenagers unloaded from the clown car that had brought them safely home via a joyous but worrisome dinner at Ming Moon. I had just finished tallying the donations (from so many wonderful people) while talking with family and friends about the options of calling hospitals or the police to see if there was a motorcycle accident in the area.

But wait. There are 3 cars in the driveway. “Why are there three cars suddenly in the driveway?” I wondered? Before I made it to the bottom of the stairs, I knew who they were and what they had to tell me. I fell to the Earth. From what I remember, the officers were kind, compassionate, strong, and handed me [Josh Turan's] wallet. I thought they were even crying with me. Much of what actually happened after that is just blurry. But ever since, and continuously, I have been able to remember just how much love is around us in every moment of every day. Hundreds of people poured out their love and support and comfort to me, our family, our friends and Joshie. To list them, is impossible at this time. But you know who you are. Hugs, Cards, Calls, Flowers, FOOD!!! Rides, Words, did I say Hugs? Tears, Emails, Photos, Memories, Laughter, Heart and Healing. Unending and Real. Thank you all so very very much. I don’t want to be accused of putting words in the mouth of any beloved member of my family, but I do believe every one of them would agree. We are grateful and honored at the response to the news of an unexpected, tragic passing of an amazing young man.

Joshua Andrew Turan is loved and will be as long as any of the hundreds of people he touched during his beautiful life, move on with his smile in their heart. Most of all, I personally would like to extend my deepest gratitude and appreciation to Mr. Mike McCurry, a man among men, for leading all of us, with gentleness and grace while holding his own aching heart, into and through the most difficult week of my life. We couldn’t have done it without you.

As the incredible cast and crew of James and the Giant Peach proved one thousand percent… “the show must go on.” And it does.

With kindest regards and hope for more love everywhere.

David J. Turan