Notices from Greene County: Schools closed, boil water notices, free clinics in Lexington, environmental questions

The following notices were released by Greene County on Thursday, September 8 and Friday, September 9:

Greene County Schools will remain closed until next Tuesday, September 13:

By order of the County of Greene, all Greene County school districts are hereby directed to remain closed through Monday, September 12, 2011 and possibly through Tuesday, September 13, 2011. The possibility for re-opening on Tuesday, September 13, 2011 will be based upon district specific road and bridge conditions. Final decision regarding re-opening will be announced Monday afternoon, September 12, 2011, thereby allowing district discretion to re-open either Tuesday or Wednesday.

The state of emergency in Greene County is still in effect and travel is limited, particularly in the townships of Ashland, Lexington, Windham and Prattsville. This decision to extend school closure remains relative to Article IIB of NYS Executive Law.

Multiple towns still must boil their water:

Boil Water Advisory Update

Systems Remaining on Boil Water Orders in Greene County
1. Prattsville
2. Tannersville
3. Windham
4. Hensonville
5. Winco

1. Hunter Village WD
2. Catskill Village WD
3. Coxsackie Village

There will be a free immunization and mental health clinic held in Lexington on September 13:

Free Immunization Clinic

The Greene County Department of Health is sponsoring a free tetanus immunization clinic on Tuesday, September 13, 2011. The clinic is for adults only, ages 18 or older who have not received a tetanus vaccine in the last 10 years.

Mental Health

Mental Health personnel will be available to speak with individuals at the same time that immunizations are being offered. You can also contact the Greene County Mental Health’s main line @ (518) 622-9163

Mountain Top Residents and workers

Location: Route 42, Kenneth Becker Lexington Municipal Hall, Lexington

When: Tuesday, September 13th, 2011

Time: 11:00am – 1:30 pm

Call 719-3600, with questions

Department of Health staff will release information on additional clinics as they are scheduled.

Fact sheet about environmental issues:

Flood Recovery Questions Relating to Environmental Issues

Please refer any questions regarding the following environmental health subject matters the Oneonta District Office at 607-432-3911.

Environmental Health Issues:
• Drinking Water
• Wells
• Food Safety
• Cleaning up After a flood
• What Disinfectants to Use When You Clean Up
• Mold Questions
• Carbon Monoxide
• Sewage Exposure
• Oil in a Well
• Restaurant Issues
• Asbestos Exposures

Local Code Enforcement Issues: Refer to the Town Code Officer
• Building Structural Issues
• Restoring Utilities
• Garbage
• Sewage System Repairs
• Asbestos Removal

Oil Spills: DEC Spill Hotline (800) 457-7362

Weekend calls regarding Environmental Health issues can be referred to Weekend calls regarding Environmental Health issues can be referred to the Capital District Regional Office Administrator via NYS Duty Officer at 1-866 881-2809.