If you could build your dream cabin in the Catskills, what would it look like? For architect Peter Gluck, it would be the cube cottage pictured above, which is designed to hold 10,000 books, a desk, a beautiful view, and not much else. From an article on Freshome.com, which also has lots of luscious photos:
This unusual building accommodates over 10 000 books belonging to the architect and his wife, a scholar of Japanese history. You can look at the incredible looking studying refuge as a 20 feet cube filled with knowledge. While the ground floor has no windows as it was especially developed for storing books, the upper level is open towards the inspiring natural environment. The large windows offer panoramic views of the surrounding forest and contribute to creating a charming retreat, perfect for studying and relaxation. There is plenty of space within the beautiful studio, enough to shelter a comfy sofa, work spaces and bookshelves. Could you imagine a better office?
Photo by Paul Warchol, via Freshome.com.