Times: Not what they used to be

Word on the street is, you shouldn't leave your car doors unlocked in Port Ewen anymore. From the Ulster County Sheriff's Department:

Sheriff Paul VanBlarcum is cautioning Port Ewen to lock their cars in the wake of a rash of larcenies from unlocked vehicles in the Port Ewen area of the Town of Esopus in the early hours of Saturday morning. Items like portable navigation systems and cash are the targets of the thieves.

Residents are being cautioned to always lock their cars. No instances of larcenies from locked vehicles being broken into have been reported and the larcenies appear to be crimes of opportunity. While proactive measures by the Sheriff's Office, such as increased patrol of the area, may reduce these thefts, residents that lock their vehicles, and those who do not leave valuables and electronic accessories in plain view, greatly reduce the chance that such a crime will occur.

Anyone with information is encouraged to call the Ulster County Sheriff's Office Communications Desk at 845-338-3640.
