The Arc of Delaware County Supports Graduates

Thirteen Delaware County High School graduates from each school district were awarded scholarships from The Arc of Delaware County. These students were selected by their schools and plan to continue their education in a field of study that will benefit people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Not only were these students chosen based on their scholastic abilities, but also their desire to help others must have been demonstrated with provision of services to their communities or schools.   

The 2013 recipients of The Arc Delaware County Scholarship include: Kelsey Little, Andes; Cassandra Wubbenhorst, Charlotte Valley; Megan Brosi, Delaware Academy; Samantha Mills, Deposit; Bethany Bierstine, Downsville; Jacob Gray, Franklin; Kelly Newman, Hancock; Samantha Bouton, Margaretville; Kathren Fairbairn, Roxbury; Brynn Davie, Sidney; Courtney Soule, South Kortright; Merisa Andrades, Stamford; and Alexandra Kilmer, Walton.

In a thank you letter to the agency, Hancock scholarship recipient Kelly Newman who is pursuing a degree in Special Education and English at SUNY Oneonta wrote: “Your generosity has inspired me to help others and give back to the community. I hope one day I will be able to help students achieve their goals just as you have helped me!”  For more information about The Arc of Delaware County, including career opportunities, visit or call (607) 865-7126.