A piece of history is falling to vandals and the elements and your help is needed to restore it. In 1921, not long after naturalist John Burroughs died, students of the Raymond Riordan School, a prep school in Highland, erected this monument, and planted 4,000 trees in tribute to the man who had done so much to popularize an appreciation of nature. The Memorial Forest and monument are on Rose Mountain, and can be found along the state trail known as Rochester Hollow in Shandaken, just off Matyas Rd. near Pine Hill. Pieces of the monument have fallen or been shot off over the past 90 years. Now, John Burroughs Association and Woodchuck Lodge Inc. are spearheading a drive to have it restored during this, Burroughs' 175th birthday year. Can you contribute to the $800 cost? Please send a check, made payable to the JBA, to PO Box 184, West Park, NY 12493. To learn more about John Burroughs: www.woodchucklodge.org.