Quilting in the Catskills: "Pines" or "LeMoyne Stars in Fall"

Quilting Workshop: "Pines" or "LeMoyne Stars in Fall"

July 13-15, 2012

Choice of projects.  "Pines" is one of those patterns that looks much more complicated than it is.  Plan a color scheme, select your fabrics, cut and piece and you'll soon have a forest of "Pines".  "LeMoyne Stars in Fall" have challenged quilters for generations.  Using a ruler developed by instructors, you'll find yourself accurately piecing LeMoyne Stars to incorporate in your quilts.

Come join us for quilting at SUNY Delhi in the scenic Catskill Mountains surrounded by streams, wooded hills, and fertile green valleys. Residence and commuter packages are available.  Meals are included with both packages. 

About Lola Armstrong, she began quilting as a child.  In 1998, she attended Deb Tucker's quilting retreat with two of her sisters.  She has been attending Deb's retreats every year since.  Lola was asked to instruct the "Quilting in the Catskills 2011" through the encouragement and support from Deb Tucker.  That event was so successful that Lola is back for "Quilting in the Catskills 2012". 

Brochure     Registration form

To be added to our mailing list, please call our office at 607-746-4545. 

To Register:

Phone Registration

Register by phone 607-746-4545 with VISA or MasterCard by stated registration deadline and receive immediate course confirmation. Please have all the information requested on the registration form ready when calling.

Fax Registration

Register by fax 607-746-4547 with VISA or MasterCard information and a completed registration form.

Mail Registration

Complete the registration form (or a photocopy) and mail to:

Office of Training and Business Recruitment
SUNY Delhi 
121 Bush Hall
Delhi, NY 13753

Please use a separate form for each person registering. All mail-in registrations should arrive in our office at least one week before the start date to ensure availability.