Celebrate Maurice Hinchey - Congress’ leading hero in the fight against fracking this Saturday, May 12, in Woodstock!

Catskill Mountainkeeper Executive Director Ramsay Adams is proud to be an Honorary Co-Chair of the Woodstock Land Conservancy's Vernal Fling this Saturday in Woodstock.  The Woodstock Land Conservancy (WLC) is celebrating the work of fracking and conservation hero Representative Maurice Hinchey on Saturday May 12, 5:30 pm at the Maverick Concert Hall in Woodstock.  Click here for more details.
The courage that Maurice Hinchey demonstrated in the earliest stages of his career in the New York State legislature – exposing Love Canal and investigating organized crime in waste hauling – has never ebbed.  In Washington, he has stood up to equally powerful interests. He is the primary leader in Congress working to protect drinking water and the environment from the risks of hydrofracking and has introduced legislation called the “FRAC Act” to close a loophole in the Energy Policy Act that exempted fracking from the Safe Drinking Water Act.  In 2009, Hinchey authored language in a bill that directed the EPA to conduct a new study of the risks that fracking poses to drinking water.  From when the hydrofracking issue first arose in New York until today, he has fought diligently to protect the health and beauty of our region, and has been a powerful ally in the fight against fracking. 
 “Congressman Hinchey has been a fierce watchdog for people and the environment,” said Nadia Steinzor, Woodstock Land Conservancy Board Member and Earthworks' Oil & Gas Accountability Project staffer.  “By demanding that energy companies disclose the toxic chemicals they use and play by the same rule as other industries, he's been a true leader in the fight for government responsibility and corporate accountability. His long public service has benefited not only New Yorkers, but all Americans.”

The Perry Beekman Quartet with   special guest Warren Bernhardt will delight with musical entertainment throughout the evening. Garry Kvistad of Woodstock Chimes will perform a musical invocation for Congressman Hinchey.

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Check out our catalog of exceptional items before the event - even if you can't make it, you can make a proxy bid. Tickets  are $75/person in advance, $90 at the door. Sponsorships are available  for businesses and individuals. More information about these  opportunities is available here.  You may purchase tickets online, by phone at 845-679-6480, or by mail by sending a check to: Woodstock Land Conservancy, P.O. Box 864, Woodstock NY 12498