MTC expands cable service to Halcott, Gilboa, and Conesville

MTC Cable has entered into negotiations with the Towns of Halcott, Gilboa, and Conesville for cable television franchises necessary to begin providing cable television services within the Municipalities. Public hearings will be scheduled in the coming months to seek public input on these non-exclusive franchise agreements within each individual Municipality. Once approval has been granted by the Municipalities, along with the NYS Public Service Commission, MTC Cable will begin to construct a fiber optic network to deliver voice, video, and internet services to residents and businesses along pre-established areas within the towns which meet the 15 homes per mile requirement from existing MTC Cable facilities.

MTC continues to work with the Municipalities to seek additional funding assistance from the Regional Economic Development Councils and other agencies to provide the funding necessary to build facilities in areas which do not meet the 15 homes per mile density.