At its January meeting, the Watershed Agricultural Council (Council) welcomed Greene County dairyman Chris DiBenedetto to its 15-member Council of Directors. The WAC works with landowners regionally to protect farmland, forests and clean water in the New York City watersheds. The farmland protection group seats a 15-member Council of Directors, which represents the interests of farm and forest landowners within the New York City water supply region. Charged with the WAC's policy making and fiscal oversight, the Board selects Council members from the Catskill, Delaware and Croton watersheds. Pictured are: (front row, l-r) Tom Hutson, Fred Huneke, Chris DiBenedetto (back row staggered, l-r) Joe Eisel, Darby Hartwell, Tom Donnelly, Steve Reed, John Verhoeven, John Riedl, John Schwartz (on behalf of DEP Commissioner Cas Holloway), Dave Cammer, Richard Giles, Sally Fairbairn. (Not pictured: Ken Smith, Barbara Howard) For more on this story, read the Council press release.