Get Out Here! Introducing the Catskills Outdoor Guide

It's a first for the Watershed Post: Our combined print and online Catskills Outdoor Guide is hot off the press.

It's stuffed with helpful info about getting outside in the Catskills: lists of favorite hikes, a reservoir-boating how-to guide, tips on geocaching and Catskills-style urban exploration, and section about what kind of edible plants are popular around here.

You can pick up the print version the in Margaretville and Stamford visitors centers, and Bed & Bath Shoppe, The Cheese Barrel, and the Catskill Watershed Corporation in Margaretville. (Regionwide distribution starts in earnest in September. Get in touch with me at if you'd like me to deliver a stack to your business.)

The online version of the Catskills Outdoors Guide has extra goodies we couldn't fit into the 24-page print edition, including detailed maps of hiking and biking businesses, an awesome article by Jeff Senterman, of the New York/New Jersey Trail Conference, about how to hike the Catskills without a car, and our brand-new Catskills Badges program, which rewards your outdoorsey skillsmanship with real badges you can earn.

We're delighted, and we're grateful to all the businesses who helped us fund this adventure into print. (You can see them listed in the guide on the righthand side of the page.) Thanks, especially, to the Central Catskills Chamber of Commerce and the Central Catskills Great Outdoor Experience Festival, which partnered with us to make it all happen. Happy Labor Day weekend!