Photo of hammer and nail by Flickr user Mike Bitzenhofer. Published under Creative Commons license.
On Saturday, March 3, the flood-ravaged town of Prattsville will host a housing expo and home improvement show, featuring contractors, architects, suppliers, green-building specialists, government and nonprofit agencies, lenders, realtors and more.
The expo is the first phase of Prattsville's long-term recovery and rebuilding plan. In Part II, slated to begin in mid-spring, the Prattsville Housing Committee will open a Housing Resource Center to help local homeowners with rebuilding projects.
Rebuilders from beyond Prattsville's borders are welcome too, said event organizer Annie Hull in a press release:
“The Expo is open to everyone in the process of rebuilding or new building, whether as a result of the devastation of Hurricane Irene or because springtime renovations are on your mind” notes Annie Hull, the Committee Chair. "This is not just an event for Prattsville residents. This is an event for our neighbors, near or far, who are interested in learning more about new building and rebuilding opportunities."
The expo will be held at the Prattsville Firehouse, 14563 Main Street. A snow date is set for March 10. For more information, contact Hull at 518-299-3278.