The Daily Freeman shared an annual report about the quality of Kingston's drinking water today, and it's pretty good news:
Water Superintendent Judith Hansen said Kingston residents will be receiving the 2010 report about the quality of the city’s water and that she’s happy with what it says.
“Last year, we conducted tests for over 80 different contaminants and are proud to report that our system has never violated a maximum contaminant level,” the report states.
Kingston's water comes from Cooper Lake in Woodstock, fed by the Mink Hollow Stream, and (unlike New York City's water) is filtered, at a treatment plant in Woodstock. The plant, which has a capacity of 8 million gallons a day, was built over 100 years ago. Like New York City, Kingston owns conservation land in its mostly-undeveloped watershed, but at 8.6 square miles, the Kingston watershed's footprint on the surrounding community is far smaller.
Cooper Lake is glorious in all seasons, and a great spot for walking. Woodstock blogger Shouting Thomas makes the trek often; here are some of his recent pictures of the ice pack melting on Cooper Lake.
Photo of Cooper Lake by Flickr user BurningQuestion. Published under Creative Commons license.