Above: Photo of CVS building in Margaretillve before it reportedly collapsed today. Photo by Julia Green Marks. More on Facebook.
4:10pm: The state of emergency has been lifted across Delaware County except for the towns of Middletown (Margaretville, Fleischmanns, and Arkville) and Roxbury. Middletown residents have a curfew from 5pm to dawn. This isn't carte blanche to drive around, though -- authorities are cautioning that residents should only drive if necessary, and be careful of flooding, downed trees, and live wires.
Latest from Delaware County Emergency Services:
August 29, 2011 1600 hours
Press Release:
Subject: Delaware County State of Emergency Lifted with the exception of the Towns of Middletown and Roxbury.
Delaware County Board Chairman James E. Eisel Sr. has lifted the State of Emergency with the exception of the Towns of Middletown and Roxbury, thanking everyone for their patience and assistance during this emergency situation.
The State of Emergency is now only in effect for the towns of Middletown and Roxbury. All roads in these towns remain closed. Delaware County will remain under a travel advisory asking that residents travel with care as work on highways and bridges, clearing trees and the repair of downed wires will continue in the near term.
Beginning tonight and until further notice, the Town of Middletown will be under curfew from 5PM to dawn. Only emergency and essential personnel are to be out during curfew.
Delaware County offices will be open tomorrow.
2:10pm: Latest from Delaware County Emergency Services:
Subject: Relief Center(s)
Beginning today Delaware County Social Services will have personnel at Margaretville Methodist Church on Church Street. Help is available for people seeking emergency assistance, food stamps or other immediate needs.
For questions and concerns the center can be reached at 845-586-4764 or call the Emergency Operation Center at 607-746-9600 for further information.
1:45pm, Monday, 8/29/11: At 11:30am, Delaware County Emergency Services restricted travel to Margaretville, Fleischmanns and Andes to emergency personnel only. Here's the press release:
The Villages of Margaretville and Fleischmanns are under a state of emergency. The damage is extensive and clean up and repair crews need to operate without the interference of unnecessary onlookers. Roads are officially closed. Please refrain from traveling to view the damage as this is hampering recovery efforts.
Sunday, 8/28/11: This just in from Delaware County Emergency Services:
By order of the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors a State of Emergency has been declared for Delaware County effective immediately. All travel is restricted to emergency personnel and essential employees. The Emergency Operations Center is fully staffed and activated. All roads in the County are closed to all travel.
Do not attempt to cross flooded roadways or downed power lines. Please report any flooded roads, downed trees or power lines to the Delaware County Emergency Operations Center at 607-746-9600. For assistance please contact the EOC or call 911.