Guess who painted this? Hint: She's not human.
The excrutiatingly fabulous among us already know what they're doing this weekend: they're attending All Tomorrow's Parties, the hipsterrific music festival at Kutsher's in Monticello this weekend. We've sent a correspondent, Barry Thompson, to tell us what happens when the cavalcade of flatlanders invades Sullivan County, so stay tuned for his dispatches.
For the rest of us, there's plenty to do this Labor Day weekend that doesn't involve Iggy Pop:
Tillamook Cheddar Gallery Opening
What's trippier than three dozen indie bands stuffed into a Borscht Belt hotel? Try watching a Jack Russell Terrier paint. Tillamook Cheddar is an 11-year-old dog from Brooklyn (where else?), who vents her artistic impulses on vellum-coated paper. She'll be demonstrating her painting technique live at a Kingston art gallery that is -- oh yes -- showing her work. The scenesters in Monticello won't know what they're missing.
5pm to 8pm Saturday, One Mile Gallery, Kingston, Ulster County.
1898 was a very good year. It saw the Spanish-American War, the creation of the five boroughs of New York City, the Dreyfus Affair, the annexation of Hawaii, and the invention of the meat-slicer. Bone up -- you'll need to know this kind of thing to pass convincingly as an upstanding citizen in Roxbury this Saturday. (A nicely-fitting corset would help, too.) Olde-timey treats galore are promised, including gigantic lollipops, roving acrobats, snake-oil salesmen, stilt-walkers, and a child's tea party to which teddy bears and dolls are cordially invited.
10am to dusk Saturday, Roxbury, Delaware County.
Catamount People's Museum Opening Celebration
It's unlikely that you've ever been to a museum ensconsed in the heart of a wooden bobcat. The bizarre and altogether intriguing art-project-cum-folklore-project has been rising on Bridge St. in the town of Catskill all summer, and this Saturday it's finally open to the public.
Noon to 6pm Saturday, 21 West Bridge St., Catskill, Greene County.
Of course there's a Farm Day. What do you expect from a town named "Bovina?" Hay rides, history lessons, and lots of luscious local produce await you in bucolic Bovina this Sunday, as the town transforms itself into a horn of plenty celebrating Catskills bounty.
10am to 5pm Sunday, Bovina, Delaware County.
There's lots more to do in the Catskills this weekend. For more fun times, check out our calendar.