Above: The Delaware River north of Delhi. Photo by Cynthia Dunne. Below: Photo collage of the West Branch from Bridge Street this morning, by Fred Harris.
The Red Cross has set up an emergency shelter at the United Ministry Church in Delhi, and some people in the town are being evacuated, WBNG reports.
*UPDATE, 10:15pm: The Delaware County Sheriff's Office announced at 6pm that the Red Cross shelter would be closed, because no one was using it. Delhi, Hamden, Walton and Davenport remain under a state of emergency, and all roads in these towns are closed to non-emergency traffic.
**UPDATE, 10/2, 10am: The state of emergency was lifted in all towns, as of 6:30 this morning.
Gabrielle Aruta Pierce writes us on Facebook:
Kingston St. (Rte. 28) in Delhi now being shut down. Page Ave.in Delhi evacuated....
We got an email this morning from Good Cheap Food. They say they're soggy, but otherwise OK -- and, mirable dictu, they got their regular Friday fish delivery.
Yesterday's lazy Delaware is today's storm swollen muddy torrent. Schools and roads are closed, but the intrepid staff of Good Cheap Food made it in. So if you can get out safely, fish is waiting for you: wild Alaskan Coho salmon, sole, haddock, red snapper, arctic char, trout, swordfish and barramundi.
Blogger Kirby Olsen at Lutheran Surrealism has a photo taken from Back River Road, and says both bridges were closed early this afternoon.
Update: Roads were out in a big way in Delhi today, which is probably why the town is still in a state of emergency this evening. Here's a photo of Back River Rd. taken by Matthew Harris:
Matt Harris also photographed Frank Lumia's real estate practice being threatened by the high waters and a sodden-looking Delhi Pistol Club where the powder almost certainly isn't dry:
Lutheran Surrealism's Kirby Olsen (see comment below) has a photo of the bridge to Sherwood Rd., which is flooded out. He also reports that Delhi's legion field is closed until further notice, which means that a soccer game he was planning to coach tomorrow has been canceled:
In addition, the Legion Field (all the water stands on top of grass all the way to the far trees) is closed until further notice. There is no soccer practice. The soccer game tomorrow morning is canceled. I am one of the coaches. We were supposed to play Downsville last night, and Roxbury tomorrow morning. Maybe we could play in scuba gear.
YNN ran a segment on the flooding in Delhi tonight, including many man-on-the-street interviews and lots of shots of the high water. The story quotes Jessica Vanaltyne, whose mother's mobile home was destroyed:
"Every trailer there is under water. The bridge is under water, you can't get on the road," she said.
From the looks of the National Weather Service's hydrograph, the West Branch at Delhi is finally starting to recede:
Click here for our main story on flooding throughout the Catskills region. We will be posting information about individual towns as we receive it. Email photos, news updates, etc. to us at editor@watershedpost.com, or leave a comment on our website. Thanks!