
By Julia Reischel on Tuesday, Jun. 15, 2010 - 2:19 pm
At noon today, about 50 anti-gas-driling protesters hauled signs to the lawn in front of the Region 3 office of the New York Deparment of Environmental Conservation to call for a fracking moratorium. One of the speakers was New Paltz Central School... Read more
By Lissa Harris on Tuesday, Jun. 15, 2010 - 10:37 am
The DRBC has put a stop to all Marcellus shale gas drilling throughout the Delaware River Basin, the AP reports: The move temporarily halts all Marcellus drilling in the Delaware basin. The commission last month declared a moratorium on new shale drilling... Read more
By Julia Reischel on Thursday, Jun. 10, 2010 - 12:34 pm
Hundreds of landowners stood in the Albany rain yesterday to demand an immediate start to gas drilling in New York State. Here's a roundup of the coverage of the rally. (The Central New York Land Coalition has its own collection of links here.) If you... Read more
By Lissa Harris on Wednesday, Jun. 9, 2010 - 11:22 pm
Peter Applebome, the writer behind the New York Times's "Our Towns" column, reports from the Walton Theatre this week, where documentary filmmaker Josh Fox showed his anti-drilling film "Gasland" this Monday. (Too bad we missed Applebome at the screening... Read more
By Lissa Harris on Wednesday, Jun. 9, 2010 - 9:46 pm
By Julia Reischel on Tuesday, Jun. 8, 2010 - 5:00 pm
Anti-drilling documentarian Josh Fox was at the Walton Theatre last night showing his movie "Gasland" to a pretty packed house. After the showing, Fox fielded questions from the audience. In one notable answer, Fox described how he thinks gas drilling... Read more
By Julia Reischel on Monday, Jun. 7, 2010 - 5:25 pm
This one happened in West Virginia today and created a 70-foot tower of flame.  It's the second Marcellus shale blow-out in a week. Update: The AP is also reporting a massive explosion at a natural gas pipeline in rural Texas that has left 10 people... Read more
By Lissa Harris on Friday, Jun. 4, 2010 - 4:45 pm
While New York State is still mulling the pros and cons of Marcellus shale gas drilling, we have a ringside seat from which to watch the drama already unfolding just over the border in Pennsylvania. Exhibit A: a massive blowout last night at a... Read more
By Julia Reischel on Wednesday, Jun. 2, 2010 - 7:40 pm
American Rivers, a conservation group, put the Upper Delaware on the top of its annual "Endangered Rivers" report today because of pending gas drilling in the watershed.  Ramsay Adams, the director of the Catskill Mountainkeeper, responded to the news at... Read more
By WP Newsroom on Thursday, May. 27, 2010 - 11:33 pm
A proposed resolution by Oneonta Democrat Richard Murphy, which would have called on the state to pass a moratorium on hydrofracking, has died in committee, the Daily Star reports. It's possible the bill could go back to the drawing board: Murphy said he... Read more


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