By WIOX, Wed, 10/7/2015 - 6:52 am

No listeners harmed; Catskills communities safer and better informed than ever.

“For years we were aware of all the great music shows on WIOX, but imagine our surprise when we began digging a little deeper to find a whole cache of talk shows on all kinds of topics. Who knew? " – Anonymous excavator

Responding to a Cable News Alert, Catskills authorities have discovered at least 24 weekly non-music shows covering news and public affairs, arts and education, economics and business, healthcare & wellness, comedy, farming, forestry, sports—all originating live from WIOX Community Radio. As it turns out, these shows have, in fact, been hiding in plain sight, huddled mostly around weekdays at 5am, 6am, 7am, 8am, 9am, 12 noon, 1pm and 6pm. Such an over abundance of talk has actually been informing and empowering listeners across the Catskills region and beyond for more than five years. 

Authorities ask that all listeners and potential listeners be advised that these shows meet the highest standards of information and entertainment, and, in fact, are a vital balance to the many and varied music shows WIOX currently offers. Information seekers are rejoicing; music lovers, while at first dismayed, turned ecstatic to find their favorite music programs will remain in place.  Evidently, there’s plenty of room for everything and everyone under the figurative WIOX umbrella.

Authorities cited the following programs as examples of WIOX Community Radio talk shows, vital to regional interests.

Morning Edition on WIOX Hosted by Kent Garrett 7-9am Monday thru Thursday, Dave Riordan on Friday

The Economy of…Hosted by J.N. Urbanski 9-10am every other Monday

Mind Your Business Hosted by Glen Pedersen and Bonnie Mitchell- 9-10am every other Monday

Democracy Now Hosted by Amy Goodman 12 noon weekdays

Accent on Monday Hosted by Simona David 1-2pm Monday

The Farm Hour Hosted by Ellen Wong, Madalyn Warren and Erwin Karl 6-7pm Monday

Mark Birman Sports Hosted by Mark Birman 7-8pm Monday and 9-10pm Wednesday 

Graffiti Dog Super Art Now Hosted by Peter Mayer 10pm-12mid Monday and Tuesday

Myth America Hosted by Leigh Melander 9-10am Tuesday 

The Writer’s Voice Hosted by Ann Epner, Annie Hirsh, Sharon Israel, Geoff Rogers and Bonnie Lykes 1-2pm  Tuesday

Talk of the Town Hosted by Arnie Schwartz 6-7pm Tuesday

The View from Fred’s Desk Hosted by Fred Travis 1-2pm every other Wednesday

Cinema with a Twist Hosted by Dwight Grimm- 1-2pm every other Wednesday

The Eldercare Advocate Hosted by Ann Thayer 2-3pm every other Wednesday

Wellness Wednesday Hosted by John Riedl 2-3pm every other Wednesday

From the Forest Hosted by Jim Waters, Ryan Trapani and John MacNaught 6-7pm Wednesday

Catskill Digest Hosted by Peg Ellsworth, Dave Riordan, Jeff Senterman and Erik Johanson 9-10am Thursday 

Timberland Times Hosted by Eric Wedemeyer 1-2pm Thursdays

That Was Zen, This is Dao Hosted by Lewis Harrison 4-6pm Thursday

Tip Off Hosted by John Bernhardt 9-10am Friday

The Great Outdoors Hosted by Will Soter 1-2pm every other Friday 

Rag Time Hosted by Robert Burke Warren 1-2pm every other Friday 

Finchy Funday SundayHosted by Michael and Steve Finch 8-9am Sunday

Car Kvetch Hosted by Norman Leavitt 9-10am every other Sunday

WI-OX Comedy Hour Hoisted by Glen Pedersen 9-10am every other Sunday

Spillian Revels Radio Hour Hosted by Leigh Melander 5-6pm Sunday

The Main Event Hosted by Michael Knapp 6-7pm Sunday

And new talk shows in development will address watershed issues, women’s issues, and wildlife.

“Who knew?” -Another anonymous excavator

For more information all listeners and potential listeners are advised to tune into 91.3 on their FM dial and MTC channel 20 in the Catskills region, or use the WIOX app or the WIOX website  Listeners who require more immediate attention, check out the WIOX Community Radio Facebook page where operators are standing by.