Uninformed sources report an unconfirmed “melee” at a station staff meeting when Around the World program host, Jenny Faison, innocently asked everyone to join her in a team-building yoga exercise as she chanted Teddy Bear’s Picnic in Tibetan. But what began as some good-spirited stretching quickly transformed into a dramatic workplace skirmish that those who said they were there are calling “a full blown brouhaha,” and those who were actually there are calling “a complete fabrication.”
The local constable did not respond to questions about the fictitious incident. But truth is, all or some (or at least one) of WIOX music program host(s) did not appreciate being left out of last month’s “TALK TALK” press campaign highlighting the station’s talk programs. “What started out as patty-cakes tuned to pandemonium,” remarked Mike Teitelbaum, co-host of Pop Up. “And that turned into an impromptu mosh pit, in which I personally partook!” That was when Wellness Wednesday talk show host, John Riedl, accused WIOX music hosts of ignoring the rights of the tone deaf. “I hear that’s what happened, but I doubt it,” Riedl confirmed.
The last straw may have come when TJ Turgeon, host of The Ear of the Hurricane, was accused by Alan Reynolds, host of Pure Country and Radio Truck Stop, of napping during yoga. But Hilary Rovinsky, Songs for Your Soul host, came to TJ’s rescue. “That’s Hillary with 2 Ls,” Rovinsky admonished.
What we do know is that October was, in fact, deemed “Talk Talk” month at WIOX, clearly to the promotional detriment of WIOX’s long and short standing musical hosts.
Jim Rauter, host of the jazz show, Nica’s Dream, would only talk “Off the Record,” according to his lawyer.
Other sources are confirming that as a result of last week’s incident (or non-incident) all TALK TALK promotional messages have been suspended, and that after less than 10 minutes of smoky back room negotiations, WIOX has declared November MUSIC MUSIC month. Papi Chulo, host of Sounds of Salsa, also confirmed that nothing happened, other than perhaps a paper cut he suffered from mishandling his volunteer sign-in sheet.
Checking the WIOX program schedule (available at www.wioxradio.org or at the WIOX Facebook page), authorities have cited at least 38 individual music programs currently scheduled on WIOX Community Radio. This remarkable abundance of music across almost every genre has been entertaining the widest variety of Catskill region listeners for more than 5 years, with no apparent end in sight.
“Basically, we just want to advise the public to tune in for some really great music programs!” said former Baltimore police officer and co-host of The Front Burner, Dave Kearney.
Further investigation has confirmed that the following programs/persons are all involved in WIOX musical programming, unapologetically sharing the blame for this fabricated event:
Uncompromising Music Hosted by Robert Steed 2-4pm Monday, Tuesday and Thursday
Jilly’s Roadhouse Hosted by Jill Ribich 4-6pm Monday
Little Delaware Jamboree Hosted by John Madeo 8-10pm Monday
Life’s Good So Far Hosted by Ben Erickson 4-6pm Tuesday
Even the Score Hosted by Carol Schwartz 7-8pm every other Tuesday
Catskills Folk Hosted by Ginny Scheer 7-8pm every other Tuesday
Murmurations Hosted by Karen Neblung 8-10pm Tuesday
Pop Up Hosted by Sheleigah & Mike 10-noon Wednesday and 2-4pm Saturday
Songs For Your Soul Hosted by Hillary 3-4pm Wednesday
Swing Easy Hosted by Vito D’Erasmo 4-6pm Wednesday
Mostly British Hosted by Rick Neblung 7-8pm Wednesday
Something Old Something Blue Hosted by Nicole Bomer 8-10pm Wednesday
In Goth We Trust Hosted by Chelsea Goodwin 10pm-12 midnight Wednesday and Thursday
The Ear of the Hurricane Hosted by TJ Turgeon 10am-12 noon Thursday and Friday
Around the World Hosted by Jenny Faison 6-8pm Thursday
In Heaven There is No Beer Hosted by Joe Markulin 8-10pm Thursday
Folk Music & Other Stuff Hosted by Sonny Ochs 2-4pm Friday
All That Gumbo Hosted by Susan Shaw 4-6pm Friday
Bonnie’s Bop Hosted by Bonnie Mitchell 6-8pm Friday
Sounds of Salsa Hosted by Papi Chulo 8-10pm every other Friday
Cabaret Corner Hosted by Glen Pedersen 8-10pm every other Friday
Strange Brew Hosted by Mark Lavine 10pm-12 midnight Friday
Wake-Up-A-Go-Go Hosted by Lizzie Douglas 8-10am Saturday
Front Burner Hosted by Elly Wininger & Dave Kearney 10am-12 noon every other Saturday
Some of My Best Friends are the Blues Hosted by Bob Stewart 10am-12 noon every other Saturday
The Andy Cahill Show Hosted by Andy Cahill 12 noon-2pm Saturday
Pure Country Hosted by Alan Reynolds 4-6pm Saturday
The Brilliant Show Hosted by Jezz Harkin 6-8pm Saturday
The Quarry Hosted by Paul Campbell 8-10pm every other Saturday
Smokin’ Saturday Hosted by Nicole Bomer 8-10pm every other Saturday
A Jet Age Sound Hosted by Isaac Wilson 10pm-12 midnight Saturday
Nica’s DreamHosted by Jim Rauter 10-noon Sunday
Ann on Broadway Hosted by Ann Epner 12 noon-2pm every other Sunday
Blue Light Central Hosted by Mark Drnek 12 noon-2pm every other Sunday
The Listen Hosted by Hope & Christina 2-3pm Sunday
Grassroots Hosted by Brit Hotaling 3-5pm Sunday
Capt Trips Hosted by Stan Bullock 7-10pm Sunday
Radio Truck Stop Hosted by Alan Reynolds 10pm-12 midnight Sunday
For more information all listeners and potential listeners are advised to tune into 91.3 on their FM dial and MTC channel 20 in the Catskills region, or use the WIOX iPone app, or the WIOX website www.wioxradio.org. Listeners who can’t tear themselves away from Facebook will find WIOX there, too.