Catskillian Gothic: Jayni and Chevy Chase, who will be in town for two Hollywood-heavy events in Ulster County this weekend.
It’ll be a star-studded good time for all at Woodstock's Andy Lee Field on Saturday, as Catskill Mountainkeeper brings their annual Barnfest celebration of all things environmentally sound and Catskillian to town.
Among the celebrities rubbing elbows with Mountainkeeper and friends on Saturday: Emmy nominee Aidan Quinn, Academy Award winner Melissa Leo, and Jayni and Chevy Chase, who will be honored at the festivities for their dedication to environmental causes. Also to be honored at Barnfest: Local investor Sean Eldridge, folk singer Happy Traum, rock photographer Catherine Sebastian, and the late, great Levon Helm.
Bestselling author Ben Hewitt is the featured speaker, and will fill everyone in on the state of the locavore art. There will be local eats, fun for the kids, two stages of live music, a silent auction and a cash bar. Should you wish to chill inside for a bit, there will be screenings of Dear Governor Cuomo and Carbon Nation at Photosensualis, with discussions with director Jon Bowermaster and Roger Downs of the Sierra Club.
Barnfest is free -- all the Mountainkeepers ask is that you preregister at their website.
If you don't mind shelling out $150 for a good cause, you'll have another chance to catch Chevy and Jayni while they're in town. On Sunday, the Chases will be making an appearance at Opus 40, for a fundraising brunch to raise money for the restoration of the Saugerties bluestone sculpture icon.
Catskill Mountainkeeper's Barnfest. Andy Lee Field, Rock City Road, Woodstock. Saturday, June 22. Noon to 5pm. Admission is free; preregistration required at Catskill Mountainkeeper's website.
Opus 40 Preservation Brunch with Jayni and Chevy Chase. 50 Fite Road, Saugerties. Sunday, June 23, 11am to 2pm. Tickets $150, limited availability. For more information, see Opus 40's website.