Saturday, January 25 ~ Quilting Workshop: Hand Piecing ~ 10:00am – 4:00pm

Adults and children (over 12) alike are encouraged to come learn the basics of hand piecing - or perhaps to refresh their rusty skills. The workshop will be taught by Lesley Gray, an experienced quilter who was inducted into the Catskill Mountain Quilters Hall of Fame in 2007. Using a Churn Dash block students will learn basic drafting instruction and get to address the most common basic shapes of quilt making. Differences in preparation for hand sewing and machine work will also be discussed as well as the importance of weft, warp and bias grain lines. Creating the templates, placing correctly on the fabric, marking options, sewing techniques as well as pressing methods will be covered. (Bring your own bag lunch) Registration required by January 17th. Cost: $55 per student. Limited to eight students. Call DCHA at (607) 746-3849, or email to register.