Carrie Bergeron National Motivational Speaker Presents: "True Colors of My Life"

The Arc of Delaware County, along with Margaretville Hospital's Wellness Committee, is pleased to present national motivational speaker and advocate, Carrie Bergeron. Carrie will provide insights of her life experiences as a person with Downs Syndrome. Carrie will be speaking September 25th, 6:30pm at the Community Living Skills Center, 393 County Highway 38, Arkville, NY. This presentation is free and open to the public. Seating is limited. If you have any questions about the presentation please call 212-580-4882 or 607-865-7126.

Carrie Bergeron, now 36 years old, is a former board member of the National Down Syndrome Congress and currently serves on the Self-Advocacy Council. She also participates in her local Speakers’ Bureau.  She loves to share her experiences as a person with Down syndrome, hoping to give insights and encouragement to those associated with Down syndrome. She is the recipient of the “Voices” award from the National Down Syndrome Society as well as the Christian Pueschel Memorial Citizenship award from the National Down Syndrome Congress. She truly believes that all people with Down syndrome and other disabilities should be given every opportunity to meet their individual potential and success. Her passion is to spread awareness.   She does this as she gives many speaking and power point presentations, highlighted by her signing of song with creative interpretation and movement. As her quote states, “I have taken the “dis” from disability and made it my ability to advocate for those of us with special needs”