Catskills CRAFT Announces 2013 Farmer Training and Networking Opportunities

The Catskills Collaborative Regional Alliance for Farmer Training (CRAFT) announced its 2013 field day and farmer training schedule today at CRAFT offers farmer-to-farmer learning and access to the social network and culture of the local farming community. 

From June through November, farmers and gardeners are invited to gather at a farm for an instructional visit and tour. Six events are planned for the 2013 season. Each visit includes an overview of the farm as well as a hands-on demonstration of one or two specific topics. The end of the season closes with a contradance celebration.

The first farm visit will take place at Channery Hill Farm in Callicoon Center on June 11 from 3 to 5 p.m. ( Jen McGlashan and Kai Brothers started Channery Hill in 2011 and now grow vegetables and livestock, which they sell through their Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program and at local farmers' markets. Jen also makes a wide variety of value added products, including pestos, spreads, and dressings. Jen will talk about food preservation and will lead a farm tour. A potluck supper will follow.

CRAFT host farms demonstrate the growing diversity of agriculture in the region and address a range of relevant agricultural challenges and techniques. The 2013 schedule includes the following farm visits:

July 8: Heather Ridge Farm, Preston Hollow

August 12: Majestic Farm, Mountain Dale

September 9: Dirty Girl Farm, Andes

October 14: Rondout Valley Organics, Ellenville

November 2013: Contradance TBD

A full schedule and host farm background can be found at  Catskills CRAFT is a collaborative project between Farmhearts ( and the Watershed Agricultural Council's Farm to Market Program. For more information about Farmhearts, contact The Watershed Agricultural Council is funded by the New York City Department of Environmental Protection, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and other public, foundation and private sources. For more information about the Council, its Farm to Market Program and farmer initiatives,visit


  At a 2011 Catskills CRAFT outing on "Raising Mixed Livestock," Dan Marsiglio of Stony Creek Farmstead (Walton) shares the biology of rotational grazing, as wife Kate and intern Jenna demonstrate portable fencing in the background.


Channery Hill Farm hosts the June 11 Catskills CRAFT farm tour and food preservation discussion.

Sarah Budde at Majestic Farm will host the CRAFT group on August 12 on "Farrowing to Finishing" pig breeding

For additional images, please contact Tara Collins