Avoid the Mall: Book Talk on 12/12/12 at RiverRead in Binghamton

Come to Binghamton on 12/12/12 to shop. But avoid the mall.

The amazingly talented (and always entertaining) Lynne D. Schneider will talk about her News Ink book illustrations on Wednesday evening at RiverRead, an awesome indy bookstore at 5 Court St. in downtown Binghamton. Lynne says, "I really enjoy a nice sharp #2 pencil, black ink and ample liquid paper." And we really enjoy her drawings.

The event will be from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. All word-ivores welcome. Please come read (and buy) locally. Books will be available for sale, at discounted prices.

Lynne is the illustrator of a new memoir, “Yorktown," by San Francisco Judge Dick Ulmer. She will talk about the creative (and geographic) odyssey that produced the drawings and will show early drafts and discuss the collaborative process of making a book. Lynne, better known nowaways as a lit professor at Binghamton U, has been drawing for many years, including as a cartoonist and illustrator at the Delaware County Times and The Michigan Daily.

Also featured at the event is David J. Krajicek, a New York Daily News columnist and the author of six books. He will talk about his role as publisher of “Yorktown” through his indy imprint, News Ink Books. A weekend musician, Krajicek will bring his interests together at RiverRead by reading a story from one of his books, then performing a well-known song based on that notorious murder case.