Tuesday, 7/24, East Meredith: Learn what the CONstitution Pipeline Company isn't telling you

By CDOG, Fri, 7/13/2012 - 9:03 pm

The Constitution Pipeline

What is it? Why do we care?

  What can we do about it?


Tuesday, July 24, 2012 at 7 PM East Meredith Fire Hall

County Route 10, East Meredith, NY

 The proposed Constitution Pipeline is a 30" high pressure, interstate gas transmission line that is planned to run through Delaware County.

It could enable hydrofracking - and a network of other pipelines -
    once New York State finishes its environmental review.


Anne Marie Garti, Delhi native and town of Kortright resident

will present information on this pipeline

questioning its need and proposing alternatives

Q & A Discussion to follow

Sponsored by: CEEC - Citizens Energy & Economics Council of Delaware County
