Mark your calendars for the celebration of the season!

Just in time for Spring! shopMargaretville, presents the first annual GardenFest 2012  Saturday April 21st- 10am to 3pm!

Food, fun & entertainment for adults and kids! Antiques to agriculture, nurseries, landscapers & outdoor equipment. Workshops & demos, crafts & petting zoo, green thumb to green market!

Everything Spring! All on Main Street in Margaretville - April 21st 10am to 3pm! ADMISSION IS FREE!  For more information visit

Want to be a Gardenfest vendor? There are still a few spaces left. Cost is only $25 for a 10ft X 10ft booth. Checkout


GardenFest is sponsored by the Watershed Post and Kids in the Kaatskills.  In collaboration with the MARK project and funded in part by the A. Lindsay and Olive B. O'Connor Foundation