
(Stamford) On Sunday, October 15, at 3PM, Friends of Music of Stamford NY presents the Gloriosa Trio, who will play a female French composer-themed program, “Viva la femme!” Driven by lush cello-and-violin melodies, the trio's carefully-crafted thematic programs and skillfully exuberant performances appeal to diverse audiences. The Gloriosa Trio is pianist Yoonie Han, violinist Jennifer Carsillo, and cellist Kevin Bate–all experienced world-class chamber musicians with a passion for collaboration.
This concert highlights the ground-breaking work of 19th century composer Lili Boulanger, who, with her sister, Nadia, helped pave the way for female composers to be taken seriously. It also incudes a piece by Camille Saint-Saens, a staunch advocate of new music during the latter half of the 19th century, as well as new work by contemporary composer Karen LeFrak.
From April through December, Friends of Music presents an acclaimed chamber music concert on the third Sunday of every month. Performances are generously hosted by the Stamford United Methodist Church at 88 Main Street, Stamford, NY. Admission is by donation; the suggested donation is $12 per person, and $6 for seniors & students. There is no charge for those under age 13. Cash or check only; no advance ticket sales or reservations. Complimentary refreshments by A Taste of Europe from Cobleskill will be served after the concert. The Stamford United Methodist Church is handicap accessible and has ample parking.
For more information about Friends of Music of Stamford, and for a complete listing of concerts planned for this season, visit www.friendsmusic.org.
This performance is part of “Chamber Music in the Western Catskills,” two consecutive Sunday concerts, co-organized by The West Kortright Centre and Friends of Music of Stamford, NY, Inc. Don't miss Frisson at the West Kortright Centre on Sunday, October 22. www.westkc.org