
Retreat. Discover. Heal. In the New York Catskills.
Something for everyone! CleaningOrganizingStacking woodLandscaping, grounds clean upPaintingPutting up the TipiAnd Evening Social fires! The kitchen needs to be thoroughly cleaned. We will do some cleaning and organizing of the housing areas of the Guest and Main Houses. General landscaping and tidying of the grounds is needed. We will put up the Tipi. Some painting may continue in both the Main and Guest Houses. Program materials will need cleaning and organizing. Storage areas, like the lower barn, need cleaning. Cured wood will need to be stacked near where we use it: the tipi, lower woodshed, main house and yurt, plus any new wood stacked and possibly split. Other work projects may arise.Details & Pricing
Arrival after 5 pm on Thursday, April 20th
Dinner at 7 pm
Followed by Orientation
If arriving on Friday or Saturday please email K'Anna Burton at volunteers@bluedeer.org to discuss Orientation details.
Work projects may continue till 3pm Sunday, April 23rd.
You are welcome to come for all or part of the time.
Please sign up via the REGISTER button above so that we know which meals to expect you for, your interest in being a Team leader, what projects you are interested in and your skills, whether you need lodging, etc.
All meals and lodging will be provided by Blue Deer.
Contact K'Anna Burton at volunteers@bluedeer.org with your arrival time information and any questions.