
Ben Sisto, oxidized page from 'Pressure Burns' series. Courtesy of the artist and Bushel, Delhi.
Bushel is pleased to present 'Pressure Burns,' an exhibition by Ben Sisto, centered on his collection of oxidized book pages that have been removed from publications on art masters—Renaissance, Baroque, and Impressionist-era. Sisto will pair framed selections from the series with houseplants to underscore the presence of sunlight—both its capacity to cultivate life and to burn. The exhibition runs from October 6 through 28th, with an opening reception on Saturday, October 7, 6-8pm. The show is available for viewing during Open Hours (go to www.bushelcollective.org for days and times) and by appointment.
Before full-color printing became widespread in the last century, color plates would be “tipped in” to individual pages of art books; with the passage of time, the combination of those placements, the use of particular adhesives, and non-archival storage conditions has transformed the opposing pages into naturally occurring color-field studies. Sisto has been collecting these artifacts from outlets such as The Strand in New York City and Cellar Stories in Providence, RI over a period of three years.