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Tuesday, Nov. 8 is Election Day -- and we've put together a few resources to help Catskills voters make the most of it.
The widget below is from Google. Type in your address to see who's on the ballot in your district, and to find the location of your local polling place. All poll sites in New York State will be open from 6am to 9pm.
New York State voters can also look up their local polling place and voter registration status using the state Board of Elections online voter registration search.
Local Boards of Elections also have information for voters. Most have sample ballots available. Here are links to county Boards of Elections in the Catskills region:
Delaware County Board of Elections
Greene County Board of Elections
Schoharie County Board of Elections
Sullivan County Board of Elections
Ulster County Board of Elections
New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman has set up a hotline for New York State residents to report any problems at the polls. Anyone encountering any issues at the polls is encouraged to call 1-800-771-7755, or email the attorney general's office at civil.rights@ag.ny.gov, anytime between 6am and 9pm.
We'll be on Twitter throughout Election Day, keeping an eye on local news and what's happening at the polls. Tweet us news tips at @watershedpost, or email us at editor@watershedpost.com.