Above: Santas hit the slopes at Windham on Sunday. Photo from an album of Santa Day photos on Windham Mountain's Facebook page.
New York City has SantaCon; the Catskills have Santa Day at Windham Mountain. Both raise money for charity, and we're not about to weigh in on which one is better -- but if you're more into feats of athleticism than, say, passing out in a boozy stupor on the subway, you're probably better off upstate.
Sunday, Dec. 15 was the fourth annual Santa Day event for Windham, in which up to 300 skiers and snowboarders decked out head to toe in Santa gear pay a $20 minimum donation to charity. In return, they get a ski pass for the day, two midweek vouchers, and the surreal experience of swooshing down the mountain with hundreds of other Saints Nicholas. (If lions come in prides, and crows in murders, what's the word for a bunch of Santa Clauses?)
Santa Day 2013 drew about 200 skiing Santas, and raised $2,720 for the Windham Community Food Pantry. They must've been nice this year.