At 5pm this Friday, the members of the Mountain Athletic Club will take to the baseball diamond in Fleischmanns Village Park -- and hopefully they will stay there until Sunday.
The team plans to play for 49 consecutive hours and set a new world record for "a base ball marathon." The club plays the game by 1864 rules that include underhand pitching, courtesy to umpires and no gloves. It is scheduled to play teams from Roxbury and Bovina and will be happy to take on extra players who can spell the regulars for an inning or two (or three). Anyone over 16 can participate. The team isn't playing for glory alone: They are seeking to raise funds to help construct a fully handicapped-accessible playground at the park. Supporters can pledge amounts for every inning played. The event will overlap with the Fleischmanns Memorial Day Street Fair, which will feature arts, crafts, antiques and food from 9:30am to 4pm on Saturday.
The Fleischmanns Village Park, Fleischmanns, NY. For more information contact Peg Ellsworth, MARK Project at 845.586.3500.
Photo courtesy of MARK Project.