Starring on "Wife Swap" tomorrow: Stone & Thistle Farm

Delaware County: Tune into ABC at 8pm tomorrow to see if Stone and Thistle Farm's Denise Warren can handle life in the shoes of a TV-obsessed, diva-licious suburbanite from Oklahoma. The Daily Star reports:

Denise Warren said when she got to her temporary home it was an assault on her beliefs.

“The house was in a development on the outskirts of Oklahoma City with cookie-cutter homes on farmland that had been raped by the developer,” Denise Warren said. “I have just spent three years helping develop Farm Catskills and working to preserve farms and farmland. I realized they had chosen very carefully and found a place that was just the opposite of the things I really care about.”

Warren apparently had to bust up a few stereotypes about upstate New York goat farmers (hello, Vera Farmiga is a goat farmer!):

“I think they were searching for a backwoods goat farmer who lived in a trailer and didn’t have all their teeth,” Denise Warren said. “When they found out who we really were they had to revise their story line.”

The Daily Star says the Warrens, who don't watch television at all, got paid for their stint on the reality-TV fever swamps. But not enough to do it again. Sounds like they're a little nervous:

The Warrens said they have not seen the show and will gather with friends at the Oneonta Tennis Club to watch with people who will understand if family members are not portrayed the way they are known to their Delaware County neighbors.
