Interested in studying and practicing conservation in local forest landscapes? The Mohonk Preserve might be interested in you From NY Flora:
The condition of the Preserve’s forest have degraded due to more than 50 years of fire suppression, white-tailed deer browsing impacts, and the increasing presence of invasive species. The Mohonk Preserve is seeking to restore the viability of natural communities, native species and the ecological processes they depend on. Forest restoration at a landscape scale will require an integrated management approach to abate the multiple threats that have been identified. It will also depend on a shared vision of desired future conditions and commitment to implementation, monitoring and adaptive management. Through the 2010-11 Loewy-Mohonk Preserve Liaison Fellowship, up to $10,000 will be awarded to a project (or projects) that will contribute to the understanding and conservation of this ecologically significant landscape.
Check out the NY Flora blog post for more information. The deadline is November 30, 2010.
Photo from the Mohonk Preserve by Flickr user Lee Gillen. Published under Creative Commons license.