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Ulster County Sheriff's Office
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A Message from the Sheriff - It is the mission of the Ulster County Sheriff's Office to serve the public by enhancing our partnership with the community, and in so doing, protect life and property, prevent crime, solve problems and foster good will through courtesy and professionalism.
The Ulster County Sheriff's Office shall maintain a correctional facility with the highest degree of security toensure the safety of the citizens, staff and inmates.
The Ulster County Sheriff's Office was established in 1661. The Sheriff of Ulster County is an elected official (4 year term) who is the chief law enforcement officer of the County and is the county's conservator of the peace in accordance with County Law section 650. The Ulster County Sheriff's Office is accredited by the New York State Law Enforcement Accreditation Council and is comprised of three main divisions: Criminal Division, Corrections Division and Civil Division.
Criminal Division
Headquartered in the City of Kingston and located in the Hudson Valley of New York State, the Sheriff's Criminal Division provides proactive law enforcement services to the county's residents and visitors in 20 towns, 3 villages and the city of Kingston. Ulster County is comprised of 1,150 square miles with 2,200 miles of roadways, and a population of 182,493 (2010 Census).
Corrections Division
The Sheriff is responsible for the custody, control and movement of inmates confined to the Ulster County Jail. Committed to the jail are prisoners who may be charged with any type of crime or violation, including homicide, rape, DWI, trespass, etc. The Sheriff is responsible to assure that all prisoners are kept secure and properly cared for. He must continually conform to the rules and regulations set forth by NYS Correction Law and the New York State Correction Commission, such as providing contact visitation, education, and rehabilitation.
Civil Division
The Civil Division is a state mandated service of the Sheriff's Office. Its purpose and function is to serve and execute the various legal processes issued not only by and for the several non-criminal courts of the state and its subdivisions, but also for the legal community and the general public. Departmental and divisional policies and procedures are consistent with New York State and court case law and are designed and developed to insure the accurate, expeditious, and judicious service and execution of all matters relating to civil process. The rulings that apply include Civil Practice Law and Rules, Judiciary Law, Real Property Actions and Proceedings Law (RPAPL), and the Family Court Act (FCA).
Annual Report
The Ulster County Sheriff's Office Annual Reports feature information on activities each department, including call, complaint, arrest, accident, and inmate statistics, investigations, advancements and awards.
Our Agency Mission
It is the mission of the Ulster County Sheriff's Office to serve the public by enhancing our partnership with the community, and in so doing, protect life and property, prevent crime, solve problems and foster good will through courtesy and professionalism.
The Ulster County Sheriff's Office shall maintain a correctional facility with the highest degree of security to ensure the safety of the citizens, staff and inmates.
Value Statements
In our continuing pursuit of excellence, we, the members of the Ulster County Sheriff's Office, are dedicated to, and proudly promote:
With confidence and pride in ourselves, we strive to remain compassionate and protect the rights of all citizens equally.
We will be responsible for our conduct, both professionally and personally. We will be fair, honest, courteous and show strength of character at all times. We hold ourselves accountable to the highest standards of ethical conduct and strive to be role models for all.
Professional Service
We recognize the trust the public places in us and we accept that responsibility. We are devoted to providing quality service and strive to remain effective, efficient and responsive to the changing needs of our community while providing a safe environment.
Sworn or civilian, full-time or part-time, we are proud to belong to this agency and to promote these values.