Now Streaming on YouTube

Now Streaming on YouTube

Over the last nearly 50 years, we have produced a lot of films - short and long - including some for that were commissioned and some for our own interest. Some are on serious topics and some for fun.

Although we count on screenings and DVD sales of our documentaries and history films to help fund new projects, we also post some productions on YouTube for free streaming.

Here are several documentaries and short films we've made available that you might enjoy viewing:

Paper or Plastic

Waste Fraud and Abuse

Indian Point: Nowhere to Run

The Hudson River PCB Story - A Toxic Heritage

Pete Seeger - A Tribute to Help Float the Boat

Poetry of a Watershed Stream

Broken Madonna – Jean Lasher Gaede

The Polar Express From Kingston, NY to the North Pole

Linda Mary Montano's Archive Goodbye

Time In

For our DVD documentary list please visit us at Willow Mixed Media.