Join us for the first in a trio of truly extraordinary workshops at Spillian, using the place itself as a living lab as we learn together how to thing in a deeply creative, connected, regenerative way about projects and places anywhere in the world as we imagine a master plan for the 33 acre historic estate. Led by two of the nation’s most visionary leaders in sustainability, architect John Boecker and film maker Tom Keiter of 7group, this series will blow open your imagination and give you powerful tools to imagine past what you think is possible.
Quick Details
• Friday through Sunday, February 19-21 2016
• Beginning Friday at 5 PM and ending at noon Sunday
• AFTER JAN 30, $365 includes all meals and materials
• $325 for lodging for Friday and Saturday at Spillian. Commuters also very welcome. Lodging space is limited.
• Call 800.811.3351 to make reservations or for more information.
Please note the special price of only $299 if you book before January 30. We've cut a hundred dollars off what we usually charge for events like this, trying to make it accessible to people in the area.
Call us at 800-811-3351 for more information or to make your reservation!
More information on our website here.
Developing Regenerative Thinking at Spillian
In order to realize its full potential, the regenerative planning process must build our ableness to think systemically and holistically about whole living systems and our role in serving the transformation of those systems. Therefore, as Spillian embarks on a master planning effort aimed at guiding its future evolution, all those interested in learning how to engage regenerative design and development are invited to participate. Accordingly, the regenerative planning process for this effort at Spillian is being conceived as an instrument for developing regenerative thinking among all of us as members of communities. This process is currently being designed around a series of workshops aimed at building the capacity and capability of all participants and stakeholders to think in an integrative whole-systems way.
About Regenerative Whole-Systems Planning
Each particular place is alive, unique and evolving. If we want to flourish over time, we must understand that we are in mutually beneficial relationship with each particular place and that humans play a participatory role in the vitality of the living systems in which we are nested.
The basis of regenerative whole-systems planning lies in understanding that role through understanding the uniqueness of each place we live and work – and what created and continues to create that unique identity. The cultural environment we call a community is a living system composed of many complex cultural and natural systems that form a web of mutual support. The health of cultural (and economic) systems is ultimately dependent on the health of natural – or living – systems.
Regenerative planning is rooted in the belief that healthy living systems have an inherent capacity to continually generate new sources of life for and within themselves and their environment – i.e., to re-generate. This work is grounded in a philosophy that humans (and human activities) are not apart from the development and ongoing evolution of such healthy living systems; rather, humans serve a participatory role in their continuing viability and vitality. Through the practice of developing how we are thinking in this way about whole living systems, any project can be leveraged as a highly effective acupuncture point for helping transform community vitality and regenerating life.