Wanted: your non-working chest freezer

Anybody out there with an unwanted non-working chest freezer? The first sprouts of the season have moved into the greenhouse from inside our warm home  - sure signs of spring despite the snow I see coming down outside my window. Our radiant floor heat system is sweet on the toes and a nice way to get these early seeds to sprout. But after years of living around these piles of seed trays on the floor, we're looking to move this piece of the farm operation outside, where it should be!  After a bit of research, we're considering a home-made germination chamber as an easy, low-cost setup.  So please do contact us if you've got a freezer (ideally 24cu.ft.) decorating the lawn or taking up space in the shed. We'll happily give it a nifty new life and you'll have space to fill with flowers or that new tool you've been looking to get.

Of course, all these toasty warm seedlings are growing big & strong to become your onions, kale, lettuces and other yummy veggie goodies. All are available through an easy-to-create membership with Rondout Valley Organics, our innovative online marketplace for all sorts of local products: organic veggies, grass-fed meats, goat cheese products, freshly tapped maple syrup and much more. We're active year-round, so don't hesitate to join now!