The November FAB meeting (scheduled for this Thursday, November 19th) will focus solely on THE GREAT CATSKILL MOUNTAIN BBQ FEST, a FAB event scheduled for August 2016 in Fleischmanns Park. This is a HUGE event and we are now forming committees. We are in need of several committee chairman, volunteers to work on each committee and a host of volunteers for the day of the event.
We have a great competition/festival planned, but FAB NEEDS YOU in order to make it happen!!
Let’s get Fleischmanns back on the map as a destination for Summer 2016 with a fantastic Kansas City Barbecue Society sanctioned BBQ competition/festival! Please JOIN US Thursday and let us know where you can help. (If you would like to be involved but cannot make the meeting, please email me.)
PLEASE NOTE: Due to Thanksgiving, the November FAB meeting has been moved up a week, to this coming Thursday:
Thursday, November 19th
5:30 pm
Skene Memorial Library
FAB supports your business – please come out and support FAB!
Kim M. OBrien
The Tinderbox Ltd.
ph: 845.254.5999
fax: 845.254.5998